This is just a random story I decided to write in my free time. ^.^ I hope you like it!
I was crossing the bridge which leads to Canyons Pathway, studying the great designs carved into the bridge and enjoying the scenery as the birds glided past and hummed a beautiful melody. The cool autumn breeze blew past me, and wind whistled through the trees while squirrels were joyfully chattered. I looked down for a moment, not expecting anything odd, when I saw a coin with a figure of a rabbit engraved in exactly the center.
"That's odd," I mumbled to myself.
"What's odd?" A high pitched voice I've never heard asked. I quickly turned around, not knowing what was going on.
"Wh-who are you...?" I asked, voice trembling.
"Why, don't you know? I am Peck, the rabbit shaman, and I want to show you something I have never shown anyone before." Peck turned away, made a signal with her paw, as if to tell me to come. I quickly dashed up and caught up to her. Peck turned a sharp corner, with me following right behind. She grabbed some keys - which I never knew anyone had access to - and unlocked a door I had never seen before. As she opened the door, dust flew out like little knats coming right at you on a summer evening.
"Here..." said Peck, "Is my art studio." Rags covered some easels, and if you looked close enough you could see little specks of dust covering the walls. The windows were cracked and covered in dust.
"But what about the coin?" I asked eagerly.
"We will get to that in a moment," Peck replied patiently. "But for now I will tell you a story about my art studio and why I haven't been in it so long. Don't worry, I will answer any questions you have." Peck had a serious look on her face, yet mysterious and solemn. "Once long ago after Mira created the phantoms, there was a rabbit. The rabbit loved to paint and was overjoyed when another animal asked for a portrait. You can guess who the rabbit was."
"You?" I guessed unknowingly.
"That's right, but one day something bad happened. Sir Gilbert, the tiger shaman, came and told me that if I don't stop painting, the phantoms would invade my art studio and leave nothing but rubble and paint smeared everywhere. I was in shock, I knew I couldn't let that happen. So I started a war between the phantoms and the shamans. You can probably guess who won."
"Who?" I asked. Peck glared at me and managed a smile.
"Us shamans. The phantoms wanted revenge. But I made a compromise with them that if I didn't use my art studio for one hundred years, they wouldn't try and destroy Jamaa. Well, one hundred years passed yesterday and it is my time to paint again!" Peck searched around for a bit, looking for a useful paintbrush. Once she found one she went to an art easel, took off the cloth, and started gliding her paint brush on the canvas. Then it occurred to me I never found out what the coin was for.
"Wait but what about that coin?"
Peck looked up and said, "Oh, that was just for fun, you know to get your attention. I have been keeping a keen eye on you, young one, and have noticed your favorite spot in all of Jamaa is on the large rock in Canyons Pathway. You always cross that bridge to get there." I looked up to find a clock that hasn't even been touched. Not one speck of dust was on the clock. I noticed it was time for my dinner by the campfire in Mt. Shiveer. I told Peck that I had to leave. I headed out the door when Peck stopped me. She came closer to me and gave me the coin I saw earlier.
"To remember me by," She muttered softly. But honestly, I don't think I will ever forget the time I met Peck - it will be glued in my brain forever.
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