Saturday, August 25, 2012


 I know a very scary jammer. >.> .... <.<

Their username is NoFace. 

They know what state  I live in. o.o

And what my real name is. O.O

And how old I am.../).(\

I've never told anyone on AJ that stuff. 

I'm freaked out....O3O

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Username Explanation ^.^

Hey, Jammers! I'm going to explain why my username is LoviAvea!

 Well, I've had 3 dogs in my lifetime, here are their names:


And well...I already had Vika as a username so I wanted some with my other dog's names! Lovi and Avea! So I'm like why not have, "LoviAvea"? That explains it, it is as easy as that. ^.^

New Crossbow

Hi Jammers! Today's new item is...

The new Crossbow! Looks like AJ is taking a break from the gold items but making weapon items instead. What do  you think of this item? 


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Meeting Peck

 This is just a random story I decided to write in my free time. ^.^ I hope you like it! 

  I was crossing  the bridge which leads to Canyons Pathway, studying the great designs carved into the bridge and enjoying the scenery as the birds glided past and hummed a beautiful melody. The cool autumn breeze blew past me, and wind whistled through the trees while squirrels were joyfully chattered. I looked down for a moment, not expecting anything odd, when I saw a coin with a figure of a rabbit engraved in exactly the center.
"That's odd," I mumbled to myself.
"What's odd?" A high pitched voice I've never heard asked. I quickly turned around, not knowing what was going on.
"Wh-who are you...?" I asked, voice trembling.
"Why, don't you know? I am Peck, the rabbit shaman, and I want to show you something I have never shown anyone before." Peck turned away, made a signal with her paw, as if to tell me to come. I quickly dashed up and caught up to her. Peck turned a sharp corner, with me following right behind. She grabbed some keys - which I never knew anyone had access to - and unlocked a door I had never seen before. As she opened the door, dust flew out like little knats coming right at you on a summer evening.
"Here..." said Peck, "Is my art studio." Rags covered some easels, and if you looked close enough you could see little specks of dust covering the walls. The windows were cracked and covered in dust.
"But what about the coin?" I asked eagerly.
"We will get to that in a moment," Peck replied patiently. "But for now I will tell you a story about my art studio and why I haven't been in it so long. Don't worry, I will answer any questions you have." Peck had a serious look on her face,  yet mysterious and solemn. "Once long ago after Mira created the phantoms, there was a rabbit. The rabbit loved to paint and was overjoyed when another animal asked for a portrait. You can guess who the rabbit was."
"You?" I guessed unknowingly.
"That's right, but one day something bad happened. Sir Gilbert, the tiger shaman, came and told me that if I don't stop painting, the phantoms would invade my art studio and leave nothing but rubble and paint smeared everywhere. I was in shock, I knew I couldn't let that happen. So I started a war between the phantoms and the shamans. You can probably guess who won."
"Who?" I asked. Peck glared at me and managed a smile.
"Us shamans. The phantoms wanted revenge. But I made a compromise with them that if I didn't use my art studio for one hundred years, they wouldn't try and destroy Jamaa. Well, one hundred years passed yesterday and it is my time to paint again!" Peck searched around for a bit, looking for a useful paintbrush. Once she found one she went to an art easel, took off the cloth, and started gliding her paint brush on the canvas. Then it occurred to me I never found out what the coin was for.
"Wait but what about that coin?"
Peck looked up and said, "Oh, that was just for fun, you know to get your attention. I have been keeping a keen eye on you, young one, and have noticed your favorite spot in all of Jamaa is on the large rock in Canyons Pathway. You always cross that bridge to get there." I looked up to find a clock that hasn't even been touched. Not one speck of dust was on the clock. I noticed it was time for my dinner by the campfire in Mt. Shiveer. I told Peck that I had to leave. I headed out the door when Peck stopped me. She came closer to me and gave me the coin I saw earlier.
"To remember me by," She muttered softly. But honestly, I don't think I will ever forget the time I met Peck - it will be glued in my brain forever.

Rares Can Bring A Change

Hey, Jam-Animals! ^.^

  This post is about how rares can change someone. 

  About 6 months back I had a very good friend who didn't know anything about Animal Jam. This was when she first started. She was a very nice jammer and never even thought of calling anyone any names. So I gave her some of my rares (before  I got hacked) and boom. She traded every single day. She collected clearance items. And everyday she got 2 times rarer. This kept happening for a few months, and later on she had Scary Bat Wings, 2 top hats, a tan carpet, a pilgrim hat and believe it or not - 9 worn blankets. Then she became a member. That's when I noticed she started to act differently. She started to bully me and tease me because I didn't have half the rares she had, and then she started yelling at me to send her some rares. I never sent any. She got mad. She "yelled". Cried. Eventually she deleted me. 

Rares can bring a change in someone.


New Blog look!

Hey, Jam-animals! ^.^

 Do you like the new blog look? Give me your opinion! I want to know if you like it or if you liked the other one better! Also, I am most likely quitting Animal Jam because I am going to be going into Middle School, and that will be difficult. :|


Friday, August 17, 2012

XxTurtlesMooxX Quit?

Hey, Jammers, it looks like my great buddy, Laurel019/XxTurtlesMooxX quit Animal Jam! But the good thing is that I know her in real life so I get to see her all the time. But it's sad to other people who don't ever get to see her in real life. Turtles/Laurel019 we will dearly miss you! You are a good friend. :) I think everyone can agree to that. ^.^


Sunday, August 12, 2012

New Carnival Item!

Hey, Jammers! Today in the Summer Carnival there is a bran new item! To go along with the armor, it is...

The new Stegosaurus tail! It comes in many colors and is member only. It is 15,000 tickets! Wow! What do you think of this item?


Saturday, August 11, 2012

What is a True Friend?

Hey, Jammers, I've been thinking about this question for a long time; What is a true friend? I'm talking about an AJ friend. On AJ a true friend is someone who doesn't care if you have rares or not. They are always there for you when you need them. A true friend means someone who cares for you and someone you can depend on. If you get scammed, they are right there. A true friend is well...A true friend.

 I know, this sounds kind of weird considering it's an online game, and pixelated items and what not. But still, you can still learn what a true friend is even on AJ.


New Turtle Shell!

Hey, Jammers!

 Before we get to the new item, I want you to know that I made a username change! My new username is LoviAvea.

 Now on to the new item...

Picture from Animal Jam Spirit
 It's this Turtle Shell House! It's sold in the Pets only Party at the shop. It is 700 gems, which if you ask me, is quite a lot of gems. But then again now things are like 10,000 gems so it's not so bad compared to them...


Rares Don't Matter

Hey, Jammers. Today I will be posting about this topic:

Rares Don't Matter

  Are you wondering why? Well let me tell you why! Animal Jam was meant for learning about nature, talking with other kids around the world, and just having fun. When someone gets LOTS of rares, there is usually a lot of drama. For example my good friend had every top hat, Scary Bat Wings (NM Batwings), and every worn blanket. I was very jealous of her because she had all those rares, but I knew that she worked for them and traded a lot for them. She can't go anywhere without other Jammers crowding around her asking for her items. So I got jealous and started a fight. I wanted  her to get me a cream worn, yes, I know, kind of a lot to ask for. But I knew she could get anything she wanted to get on AJ, she had that many rares. She got really mad at me for asking, she thought I was begging. Later on we deleted each other , and about 3 months later I met her in Sarepia Forest again. She told me that she was sorry for making a big deal out of it, and I said sorry too.

 So really, rares cause drama sometimes. There is nothing wrong with having rares, but you really shouldn't make a deal about it and boast about your rares. At one point I had a lot of rares, but unfortunately got hacked by my best friend in real life because I gave her my password and thought I could trust her. But sometimes good things come out of having rares. An example would be you see who your true friends are. Before when I had a lot of rares, I got more respect being a NM and had more friends. But now, as of I only have about 2 rares, the fake friends who only wanted me for my rares, immediately deleted me off their list and moved on. But the true friends who don't care about rarity kept hanging out with me and didn't care that I had no rares.

 Rares are not everything. AJ isn't meant for rares, and always remember that.


Welcome to Jammer Journal!

Hey, Jammers!

  I see you've found my newest blog, Jammer Journal. Visit as often as you want, comment frequently, and before you know it you will become a JJ Mod! My username is VikaWild, I am currently thinking of changing it. If you were wondering, Vika is my dog, who is VERY wild! So that's where my username came from.

 This blog will contain contests, glitches, cheats, updates and much, much more! Make sure to keep commenting, that way I can tell if Jammers like my blog! See you on AJ,
